Wednesday, January 30, 2013

thoughts of a rambling mind

I have to say that I have not been the happiest person lately, working around a bunch of bitchy old lazy women can do that to a person I suppose but it's not a good feeling. I am here to tell the planet there is no way in blue hell I am going to be at this damn job for thirty years.....nooooooo.....
I think I will call the mob and ask them if they have any jobs available.Seriously.At least you can meet an untimely death with them and not rot where you don't want to be.
The good side of it is my kids are doing good, which is my main concern on the planet.If they are happy and have what they need then I will do whatever it takes to give it to  them.
I also feel like shaving my damn head, that's what I get for messing with natural curly hair. Dummy me. It's three different colors and it's not behaving at all. My fault.
This is random as hell-but that's how my brain is working right now.
Spring needs to get here before I go "Shining" on people.Not in my house of course, but I do have a list of worthless assholes..just saying.
I wish I could find my words again, I started writing another story and know partly of where it's going, but my words are failing me.I have to idea what happened but I'm a bit sick over it.
I think it's time to go back to  the drawing board for my mind again. The blue prints have once again gotten lost in the dust and dirt, hopefully I can retrieve them.
I have to also say this. Don't settle for what you have if you know you have a talent that you would be successful with. Life is tooooo short my friend. I've seen little here's and there's of the world and let me tell you, it's a far cry from this place.Do it to it and get the hell out of this town. I wish I would have. It's like The Bridges of Madison County. The bitch should have just gotten out of the truck.