Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A great day

Well, Christmas was smooth and happy.I took over Christmas dinner and it went very well I think.A little crowded, but that was okay.Everyone  got plenty to eat and had a good time.My mother felt a little lost not having to help do anything, but I think she appreciated not having to worry about making yet another dinner.She's only been doing it for fifty plus years!
The kids were very happy with their gifts, and thankfully I have a thrifty husband who saw to it that they all had  good gifts that they are now enjoying.He never wants anything for himself,the only thing he ever wants is for his family to be happy.I could not ask for a better spouse indeed. He was a gracious host, showing people out to the rec room and keeping a fire going for them to enjoy.
I ate way too much, but what the hell.Tis the season to be fat and merry I say.
I think about families who didn't have a Christmas this year and it just breaks my heart.I want to be filthy rich for a few reasons, but one of the main ones is to help those who are trying their asses off and need a little help.You can't take money with you, so I say spend it on those who need it probly more than you. Perhaps one day this will be a reality.
My biggest Christmas wish of all? That all the bullshit on this planet just stops. That would be nice. Merry Christmas all, and God Bless you. I'm getting bugged by a five year old haha, I will be back soon!

Friday, December 14, 2012


Well, today was a pretty good day. I have to admit, all my sixty days was worth it.I am now a full time employee of the most honorable french fry company to our existence.I think I spelled that wrong...oh well that's okay haha-I now am part of a company that is pretty cool I  think, and am pretty happy about it. At our orientation, we got to meet our bigwigs and hear their success stories, actually getting me excited about this new job/career possibility thing with this place. I am enjoying stuffing bags of fries into boxes, I actually have a smile on my face while I do it and have a little pep in my step.It feels pretty damn good!
I on the other hand, am reeling by today's events of some fucking monster shooting a bunch of children and teachers. That could have been our kids' school just as easy, and it just scares the hell out of me to think that could have happened here.Not to say that I am the least bit happy about it happening at all anywhere but here-it shouldn't have happened at all.
People take for granted that when they send their kids off to be babysat by teachers that nothing is going to happen, and their lives will go on every day,mostly planned as usual.Not so. This is bullshit that we cannot even rest assured in anything anymore.
My heart is just sick as well as a hell of alot of other people that just can't understand this. I hope by all means that  the rotten little prick shooter rots in hell.I have not a drop of forgiveness for the little bastard, and I don't care if I rot for it either.
There is a special place in hell for fuckers like this....I think I will drink a damn beer now.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


WELL hopefully today is my LAST day on the stinky side of where I work...For God's sake let it be. Enough complaining, on the better side I shall have a raise very soon, and will look forward to taking my kids to do things on the weekends instead of sitting around staring at eachother. I'm not that entertaining to them, bless their little souls, although they would never tell me this.
Life is as interesting as we choose to make it.... oh yes indeed. I will be back later to jot down what's up.My log of my oh exciting existence.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Another monday....well at least it's closer to Christmas.I spent the weekend hanging with the kids and really just not doing alot of thinking about much.However, I did start to write another story.I have started a few and not finished them-who knows why.I have an idea of where this one will go, but I am going to take my total time on this one.No rushing-and a story board won't be a bad idea either.Makes editing odds and ends easier.The last time I had a book published it was too hurry hurry, and there were mistakes made that still piss me off to this day. So hopefully this time it will turn out better.
I always have a million ideas for stories, but never know where to start.It's so irritating.Finding time alone to write is almost nil so that doesn't help either. We all have wacky ideas and dreams here and there, and I am no different.I want to have a book put into a screenplay one day. Never know, I could be dipping my toes in the hawaiian waters instead of working in a damn factory.Like I have said before, I am lucky to have a job, but it's not my idea of fun in the least at this place.I don't eat fries anymore, let's put it that way.
As the holiday comes closer, I am very excited to have my family over-although we always know some sort of drama comes out of it somewhere so hopefully they can contain their bullshit.It also makes me think of my dad and miss him even more.Usually I dream about him every once in a while, but haven't in a long time.Sucks. We don't really know what's on the other side, but knowing him,he's drinking coffee somewhere with his old army boys yacking his ass off enjoying himself.I hope so.
For the moment it's quiet, so maybe I will try my hand at doing a little writing. We'll see how that goes.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


After getting up thismorning full of what ever the hell it was, I cleaned out a few cupboards.Be is enthusiasm for getting ready for family to come over, or just the fact my kitchen is a shithole and it needs done-who really knows. I alsot discovered that my collection of cool whip bowls,empty cottage cheese containers and etc officially rules me as an official redneck.They are indeed my finest tupperwear set, embarassing as that may be ,it is true. However, the cupboards are organized and shit don't fall out anymore when you open the cabinet doors.Success I soppose, but I still need to paint the ancient cupboards, they probably haven't had it since the forties.I am picturing a somewhat chaotic holiday, yet peaceful hopefully-so we will see what conveys.I just want to get a little drink on hopefully, and enjoy the kids with their gifts.
I do want snow, however, when christmas is over it can melt and go the hell away. Sledding would be  fun , but we never have enough snow to even do this, such a cheat anymore.
I told my husband I wanted a hamster or a rat for christmas, but since he doesn't like little fuzzy creepy crawlies I don't see that happening. God forbid the little thing get lose and scare the living daylights out of him.hehehehe...I myself would enjoy it. The girls had guinea pigs at one point, but all they do is piss all over and squeak.No piggies here.
I have also decided to swear off diets.Fuck it. I'm chubbily happy with myself and just happen to love food to much to desert it. I will chew my way to diabetes no doubt, but at least I will have a chocolate covered happy damn face.
I am hoping that here very soon I will win the damn lottery and share my wealth with a few choice people, and then my taco stand in Hawaii or Jamaica will become a reality.I have a dear friend of mine whom I plan on having  tag along with me.
Until then, I am going to try my hand at writing another story, but this time I will see if a publisher wants to pick it up instead of paying for it to be published myself.Can't stop trying if you wanna be rich.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Things that make you say...I hate you.

In this world, there are people and things that we will never understand.
The first, is women that are more worried about getting their hair and nails done  than taking care of their kids' needs first.They worry more about putting their mugs in various poses in the bathroom, and how men are cheating them than the real important shit.

The second, is people that are desparately trying to get on disability and play video games all day than work when they are more than capable of working.They need to get off their lazy asses and take care of their families.

The third, is people that are oblivious to others needs around them.They go about their merry little ways and shit on thers around them whenever they feel necessary.They are more worried about themselves...eating,sleeping,medication, etc. on and on and on.Grow the fuck up and grow some feelings while your at it.Othe people do exist.Welcome to the real world.

This is just a few of the people that make you say, I hate you.There are several more, but it's early and my old ass is tired.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oh, it is the season....for colds and cough at this point anyway. Isn't it amazing how well germs travel through the house from person to person, inhabiting every moment of daily life? SUCKS. But Christmas is getting closer and hopefully by that point it will have passed, it sucks to be sick over holidays for little kids-it's just not fair.My five year old has discovered how much he loves the movie "Elf", wich is just fine by me as I never get tired of watching it. No matter what shitty mood I'm in that movie always cheers me up, I love Will Ferrel.
Work...on the other hand plods along, just waiting for better things to come like getting moved out of stinky potatoe land.Sweet potatoes are the devil's works I say, and to hell with them. Who ever thought of these tricky little ways to process food was a total idiot, and if people could see how it was done, they would definately  think twice before they ate it. The smell itself has pretty much taken care of my appetite, wich won't hurt me by far but it would be nice not to have this fowl smell stuck in my damn nose.
Not too much excitement around here for now, just "Elf"-and with pleasure.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The closet...

Well...I have actually been motivated to clean what needs it and has desparately for some time now-partly because it's rediculous and partly because my family is coming for christmas and I don't want them to think I'm a pig.I am a PACKRAT FROM HELL...it's a horrible habit I have had my whole life, probably some disorder of some type? Who knows, but anyway, I do it just the same.I have worked my way here and there, trying to figure out just where to start-way too many choices that suck if you ask me.But one thing that drives my husband c-r-a-z-y is my closet.I have this wonderful habit of just shoving shit in there and pretending that it no longer exists. Today was the day I had just enough to go in there and see what damage I could do.OH MY GOD!! What in the hell have I been doing all these months? It's like a time warp of crap in there, and I wanted no part of it! From halloween decorations and costumes, to christmas stuff to everything else you can imagine, it was in there.It's what nightmares are truly made of indeed. Nonetheless it looks better now, and hopefully my family won't call "hoarders" on me anytime soon. No more tripping in and out of there just praying it will "poof" disappear.
On the other hand, I still have a corner that I don't want to even venture into, but I am sure that is next.Shit... but I am enjoying the weekend just being around my kids and savoring not being at work, wich is going to look up here pretty quick. I will hopefully move to where my sister works, and be happier...much happier. For now, I will be happy about the closet and enjoy a little reading time hopefully today.