Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A great day

Well, Christmas was smooth and happy.I took over Christmas dinner and it went very well I think.A little crowded, but that was okay.Everyone  got plenty to eat and had a good time.My mother felt a little lost not having to help do anything, but I think she appreciated not having to worry about making yet another dinner.She's only been doing it for fifty plus years!
The kids were very happy with their gifts, and thankfully I have a thrifty husband who saw to it that they all had  good gifts that they are now enjoying.He never wants anything for himself,the only thing he ever wants is for his family to be happy.I could not ask for a better spouse indeed. He was a gracious host, showing people out to the rec room and keeping a fire going for them to enjoy.
I ate way too much, but what the hell.Tis the season to be fat and merry I say.
I think about families who didn't have a Christmas this year and it just breaks my heart.I want to be filthy rich for a few reasons, but one of the main ones is to help those who are trying their asses off and need a little help.You can't take money with you, so I say spend it on those who need it probly more than you. Perhaps one day this will be a reality.
My biggest Christmas wish of all? That all the bullshit on this planet just stops. That would be nice. Merry Christmas all, and God Bless you. I'm getting bugged by a five year old haha, I will be back soon!

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